Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Complete Guide to Deep Brain Stimulation


The DBS operation has received USFDA approval for the treatment of several movement disorders, including epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, dystonia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It works well and raises the quality of life.

What Does Deep Brain Stimulation Mean?

The DBS procedure aids in the management of movement disorder symptoms. The impulse generator produces impulses after the surgeon places the electrodes in the brain. These electrical impulses aid in controlling aberrant brain activity.

When Would a Doctor Suggest Deep Brain Stimulation?

To treat patients with movement problems like Parkinson's disease, doctors use deep brain stimulation. The illness progresses over time. Medication helps control the symptoms in the early stages of the disease.

The clinical effectiveness of drugs is outweighed by their negative effects. However, when the illness worsens, the medications lose their ability to manage the symptoms.

Without significant improvement in efficacy, increasing the dose exacerbates the adverse effects. Every time a treatment plan is changed, the quality of life suffers dramatically. The best Headache treatment doctor in Gurgaon advises having deep brain stimulation surgery in such circumstances.

Approximately 6-7 years following Parkinson's disease diagnosis, the effects of drugs typically start to wear off. As the disease worsens, those with early-onset Parkinson's disease have more trouble managing the symptoms with medication.

What Advantages Do Deep Brain Stimulation Procedures Offer?

The following benefits of deep brain stimulation are:

•Effectiveness: The DBS technique works well for the majority of Parkinson's disease patients. The quality of their lives is getting better.

•lowering the dosage of drugs: Parkinson's disease drugs have negative effects. As the condition worsens, the adverse effects grow with the dose. Low doses of medicines are required for deep brain stimulation operations. It reduces the side effects brought by the drugs.

•Symptom management: DBS aids in the treatment of several Parkinson's disease-related symptoms. Reducing hallucinations and dyskinesia, managing depression, controlling movement, and enhancing the general quality of life are some of these.

•Reduction of the OFF period: Parkinson's disease's OFF period is when symptoms reappear because treatment is ineffective. It might happen for a while during the day. Approximately 80% of the day is spent with the patient in ON time after the DBS operation. The amount of time has significantly decreased.

How Is Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Performed?

The deep brain stimulation device is implanted during the surgery. Three pieces make up the deep brain stimulation apparatus. These are electrodes, an extension wire, and an impulse generator.

The doctor installs the impulse generator in the area of the chest immediately below the collarbone after inserting the electrodes in the precise location of the brain. Either general anesthesia or local anesthesia is used during the patient's procedure.

What Kinds Of Problems Can Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Cause?

Surgery for deep brain stimulation is difficult. The infrastructure, facilities, and the surgeon's experience all play a role in the procedural difficulties. The following issues could arise are spine neuro center Gurgaon



•blood clots


• infection

How Has the Recovery Been Following Deep Brain Stimulation?

You should take careful care of yourself after the operation and follow the doctor's instructions because the procedure is complicated and involves the brain. Within 1-2 days of your procedure, the doctor will release you.

Within 1-2 weeks following surgery, refrain from engaging in any mild activities. Within 4-6 weeks after surgery, avoid doing strenuous activities like lifting weights. Do not extend your neck or shoulders. After the procedure, you can go back to work 4-6 weeks later.

Why Are Deep Brain Stimulation Procedures Performed By Surgeons In Two Steps?

The doctors believe that performing DBS in two stages is safer. First, the patient is transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) where the procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. The following day, under general anesthesia, the doctors perform the second stage of the procedure.

Is the surgery for deep brain stimulation painful?

The procedure is typically carried out under local anesthesia by doctors. When the surgeon administers the anesthesia, the patient just experiences agony. The patient is not in pain once the anesthetic has taken effect. Throughout the procedure, the doctor speaks with the patient to encourage confidence.


The DBS treatment is safe to use in elderly patients. To determine the patient's eligibility, the doctor assesses his health. However, many surgeons do not recommend DBS for elderly patients because they have doubts regarding the procedure's success and recovery. However, several cases have shown that an elderly patient can have a DBS operation without any issues.

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